Laurie Faulkner
Face & Body Artist
A showcase of Face and Body Art
Laurie invites you to visit her galleries and explore the endless possibilities of colour and fantasy. Laurie’s work is often requested by Corporate Promotions, Film, Theatre, Children’s & Adult Celebrations. Laurie Faulkner is dedicated to offering a safe and skillful service that will leave you with happy memories and wonderful pictures to remember.

Body Art
Body Art is often only partial coverage, sometimes morphing into fabric and trims. Laurie’s aim is to create beautiful, tasteful artwork that will leave her canvas with a sense of pride and joy for the experience.
Face Paint
Laurie takes pride and joy in working with Children as much as Adults, her presentation is always colourful & delightful. Laurie is no stranger to Corporate Family Days, Business Family Promotions and homespun private parties.
Laurie is passionate about the traditional style of Henna, she has expanded her folio to cater to designs drawn from all different cultures, contemporary and traditional. In addition to this, you are more than welcome to bring your own designs or references.
Temp Tatts
Whether it be simple but incredibly effective speed work or detailed reproductive work for any event or inspiration that captivates you, Laurie works with products that can give you an incredibly realistic tattoo impression or add a touch of glamour that will dazzle.Laurie's Showcase
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Melbourne, Vic. Australia
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